
Monday, May 12, 2014

Very Nice Ladies Casio G-Shock


 Took these photos some time ago of a friend's Casio G-Shock, but neglected to put it up for a while. I forgot to check the model number, but fairly high end watch (can't recall but might be stainless steel or even titanium).

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

So My EF-125 10 Year Batteries Finally Needed Replacement (Updated)

 Alas, it had to happen sooner or later. The 10 year batteries in my EF-125 finally has weakened enough that it stops intermittently at random. I bought this watch in 2009, and it's been 5 years (2014 as I write this), so give or take heat, wear, and some time sitting in shops, it's time to replace the batteries in it soon.

 Meanwhile I'll just wear my other watches.

UPDATE: Actually, it works fine now for the past 24 hours. And first thing I did was to check that the crown is pulle out, it's not. So it's a sign that there is some battery low voltage, or some dust has gotten inside and stopped the gears. I will not replace the batts for now.